Wednesday, 11 June 2014

What are the foods that are high in sugar

Standard sugar intake

The World Health Organization (WHO) presented the new guidelines recommended adult daily intake of calories, the amount of sugar should be 5%, that is, the intake of total 2000 calories of food a day, only 25.8g is sugar. Dieters in the food intake of 1200 calories a day, only 15.48g is sugar.

What are the foods that are high in sugar


1, raisins, sugar: 1 cup 97.66 g

After dehydration processing of dried fruit, though it is most natural sugar in the grapes, but there are some factories will be dehydrated dried fruit astringent and add extra sugar to increase the flavor. And currants are like snacks, ingredients can be added to many dishes, so before you know it we might eat a lot of calories is also very high. Eat 1 cup (170 grams) of sugar, than a McDonald's ice cool wind (84.81 g) or higher.

2, sweet and sour chicken: 88.13 g

Add the sugar, vinegar, sweet and sour chicken with sweet and sour, it is well with rice and delicious Chinese cuisine, but the thick sauce, make it 3 times the amount of sugar higher than the WHO recommended more than double that of McDonald's impression was greeted by a chocolate milkshake with 63.09 grams of sugar, while a Diced Chicken with sweet and sour dishes, but higher than it.

3, cabbage salad: 25.86 g

Fast food restaurants in order to win over more emphasis on healthy lifestyles, or consumer groups to pay more attention to fit, also added to the menu of light meals such as salads such options, however, seemingly unimpressive salad dish, could also add sugar to increase the sweetness of the dish in order to attract more people to buy.

4, Italy face pieces: 10.38 g

Meat sauce Italy, appears in the head is a salty taste, right? However, the general store of Italy sauce, can be a lot of sugar in it, nearly identical to the 4 slices of chocolate chip cookies.

5, canned tomato soup: 10.21 g

Just a bowl of canned tomato-Tom, you can eat half of the recommended amount of sugar a day, because there's nothing else, is to make the stock tastes more natural sweetness.

6, yogurt: 10 g

Yogurt itself is healthy food, there are also many natural oligosaccharides, probiotic, for gastrointestinal health helps, but it is important to note, when yogurt touted when it is low fat, usually increase the amount of sugar to compensate for sweetness and taste, 1 sugar in yogurt, it may be equivalent to 5 slices of chocolate chip cookies.

7, 8 ounces frozen pizza: 7.10 g

Pizza cheese, a variety of seafood, also have a full end of tomato sauce, even hailed it as healthy, replaced with honey sauce, pizza, in fact sugar is really amazing.

8, tomato sauce: 4 g

Certainly, 4 grams listening up seems not is more, but seriously wanted to a wanted to, a small spoon of tomato sauce on contains 4 grams of sugar, so in eat fried potato article, and fried chicken Shi, pour has so more of tomato sauce, again plus some people also habits again also plus sugar package and tomato sauce mixed uniform eat, more Needless to say that sugar copies has more terrible.

9, street-side milk

Working population is often readily buy a bun at the roadside stalls, addressed a cup of soy milk for breakfast, milk wenhu yet? So let me tell you that soy milk cannot give you too many nutrients, can also make you fat. Soy milk is a healthy and nutritious breakfast, however, when processing milk, normal practice is to soybeans against the 4 kg of water per kg, while small workshops per kilogram of beans against the 10 kg of water, such manufactured watered milk and water amounts. In order to increase the taste, they will add a lot of sugar. Ruoyouruowu beans and sweet taste, as your body is killer.

10, canned coffee

A lot of people have questions, coffee is not it? Get sugar! Canned coffee in General only have about 240 ml, few will be finished, but that some coffee but it can make your body zoom in two sizes in a year. Black coffee with almost no heat, flavored coffee, but adding a lot of sugar and creamer, and these ingredients are high calorie killer figure. Add the coffee creamer, not milk, but does not contain the nutrients in milk, or will it keep your cholesterol increases in saturated fatty acids. Drank a can of 240ml, heat 127cal, weight 6 kg a year.

No matter what kind of food, including sauces, frozen food, staple foods or snacks, to control consumption and try to eat less processed foods, choose a more natural, more simple food, you can avoid hidden sugar crisis.

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